We have previously discussed the issue of the potentially increasing penalties that may be available when a person is accused of repeat driving while impaired offenses in North Carolina. Many people arguably do not plan to face a drunk driving charge in the first place. With that in mind, when some people are accused of DWI, they decide to simply plead guilty without representation just to get the issue behind them
But, drivers in North Carolina are pulled over each year for a myriad of reasons that may eventually turn into a DWI investigation—and potential charges. If law enforcement violated the law, or if legal or factual questions surrounding a DWI arrest exist, and those issues are left without challenge, a driver may lose rights that should not be lost.
The idea is that repeat offenses can bring more serious consequences. But, all repeat offenses begin after a first DWI arrest.
A recent DWI arrest turned into a habitual DWI charge against a 37-year-old Harnett County man. The man was pulled over in March by police in Newport, North Carolina. A chemical test associated with the DWI arrest showed a 0.14 percent alcohol level, according to police. Prosecutors charged the man with habitual DWI, based upon his prior DWI convictions. The man entered a guilty plea to the charge recently in Carteret County, North Carolina. Authorities claim that he has been convicted of four DWI charges in a seven month period.
It is not clear from an account covered by WITN News whether the man challenged any of the allegations–that is not the point of the story. What is known is that the man will be spending time in North Carolina prison. The judge sentenced the man to a minimum two-and-a-half years in the habitual DWI case.
Habitual DWI is a Class F felony under the law. The habitual DWI statute requires a person convicted of the charge to serve a minimum active sentence of at least one year.
Source: WITN News, “HABITUAL DWI: Man Has Fourth DWI Conviction In Seven Months,” July 11, 2013